Travel and visa information
Travel to Zlatibor
The closest international airports are Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade and Niš Constantine The Great Airport in Niš.
The most convinient way to travel from Belgrade and Niš to Zlatibor is by bus or car.
From Belgrade, there are many buses traveling to Zlatibor, almost at every hour. To check bus timetable please visit the web page of the Belgrade Bus Station or Polazak.
Driving a car from Belgrade, your journey to Zlatibor will last about three hours.
To check bus timetable from Niš to Zlatibor please visit the webpage Polazak.
Group travel from Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport to the venue place and back will be organized by the Plant Protection Society of Serbia upon request (Belgrade-Zlatibor-Belgrade) - 40 EUR/person.
Visa information
To check do you need a Visa please visit the web page of the Ministry for Forreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.
For any further assistance to get an invitation letter, please contact the Symposium convener or Secretariate of the PPSS.